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New Science Spotlight Articles
Every month, Fred Hutch postdoc writer/editors summarize two papers from each of our scientific divisions to stimulate collaborations across campus
March 26, 2025

Supplements are everywhere, but research is limited: insights from the NatMed study
From the Greenlee research group, Public Health Sciences Division

Friends, family and significant others can influence your weight—for good or for bad!
From the Greenlee Group, Public Health Sciences Division and the Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Program of the Cancer Consortium

Encuesta para evaluar las preferencias y la autoeficacia en las decisiones de alimentación y actividad física
Del Grupo Greenlee, la División de Ciencias de la Salud Pública y el Programa de Epidemiología, Prevención y Control del Cáncer del Consorcio del Cáncer

A survey to assess the preference and self-efficacy of diet and physical activity choices
From the Greenlee Group, Public Health Sciences Division and Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Program of the Cancer Consortium

Bridging the pain communication gap
Cancer patient and providers share experiences, tips on communicating pain to inform symptoms and treatments

ASCO 2023 highlights: Fine-tuning cancer care
Annual oncology meeting emphasizes less-toxic treatments, more precision oncology and new ways to reduce collateral damage

Peripheral neuropathy: When having no pain is a big problem
Chemotherapy-induced nerve damage is common for cancer patients and difficult to treat

A healthier life: Cook & Move for Your Life program!
From the Greenlee Group, Public Health Sciences Division

La receta secreta de Mi Vida Saludable
Del laboratorio Greenlee, Divisiones de Ciencias de la Salud Pública e Investigación Clínica

The special sauce recipe to Mi Vida Saludable
From the Greenlee lab, Public Health Sciences and Clinical Research Divisions

Cardiovascular disease and mortality risk in women with breast cancer
From Greenlee Studies, Public Health Sciences Division

7 ways to science your life for the coming year
Researchers share evidence-based strategies for managing your health during yet another uncertain year

What’s new in breast cancer research? San Antonio conference goes hybrid for 2021
Hutch researchers look at overdiagnosis, cardiotoxicity of chemotherapy, cost of a new surveillance method and more

Tip Sheet: COVID-19 vaccines, SARS-CoV-2 mutations, shedding pandemic pounds – and nematode nerve cells
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Shed the pandemic pounds ... and the stupor
As vaccines roll out and the crisis ebbs, get more sleep, eat mostly plants, keep moving and stay connected

Cancer clinical trials: Creativity in the face of COVID-19
Faced with a global pandemic, scientists prioritize safety, patient benefit

Eating ‘the rainbow’ and other food tips for uncertain times
COVID-19 and cancer call for comfort food, but experts say baking with ‘whole-food ingredients’ and eating mostly plants will better support your immune system

Fred Hutch researchers present virtually at the 2020 American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting
The latest findings on bladder cancer, pediatric cancer, gender disparities and the financial toxicity of cancer

Distinct trajectories of physical activity and sedentary behavior
From the Greenlee Group, Division of Public Health Sciences