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What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
From Dr. Richard Zager, Clinical Research Division

Research at any cost?
A look ‘behind the scenes’ at the money that makes Fred Hutch research move.

Misbehaving monocytes drive graft-versus-host disease
From the Hill Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Now you see them, now you don’t: Gene editing protects stem cells from CAR T therapy
From the Kiem lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

More than a fertility struggle? Infertility’s tie to ovarian cancer risk
From the Harris research group, Public Health Sciences Division

How a century-old policy still shapes cancer survival today
From the Chow research group, Public Health Sciences Division

Post-translational modification of an essential viral protein regulates early infection
From the Avgousti Lab, Human Biology Division

Fewer HPV vaccine doses provide long-term, protective immune memory
From the Galloway Lab, Human Biology Division

Ancient heritage discovered for a family of antiviral proteins
From the Emerman and Malik Labs, Basic Sciences and Human Biology Divisions

Snapping the histone CENP-A in place for high-fidelity cell division requires supervision
From the Biggins Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Resulta que los antivirales contra el VHS están (y no están) a flor de piel
Del Laboratorio Zhu, División de Vacunas y Enfermedades Infecciosas

Donor factors influence success of fecal microbiota transplant
From the Rashidi Group, Pathogen Associated Malignancies Program of the Cancer Consortium and Clinical Research Division

COVID watchdawgs: SARS-CoV-2 at UW in the pandemic’s early days
From the Chu and Weil Labs, UW Medicine, in collaboration with the Cancer Basic Biology Program of the Cancer Consortium and Fred Hutch Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Identificación de anticuerpos potentes y ampliamente neutralizantes contra los sarbecovirus, incluidos el SARS-CoV-1 y el SARS-CoV-2
Del Laboratorio Overbaugh, División de Biología Humana

Breaking down barriers to clinical trial participation for people living with HIV
From the Menon group, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Transient transfection to make vaccines: cutting corners, or taking the express lane?
From The Kublin and Corey Labs, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Turns out, HSV antivirals are (and aren’t) skin-deep
From The Zhu Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

From data to decisions: Enhancing CAR T-cell therapy with predictive modeling
From the Gauthier Group, Clinical Research Division

Magic mushrooms, real results: Psilocybin’s role in healthcare worker healing
From the Gooley Group, Clinical Research Division

Sleepy cells rely on Sir2 to remodel their DNA landscape
From the Tsukiyama Lab, Basic Sciences Division